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The Lord Jesus broke into my reading of His Word with this message.  4/3/80

"I will give you wisdom and it will pour forth upon those who seek me and you will be a vessel.

Wisdom is a gift from me- I give it to whom I choose but you have found the key.  You have sought me in my word- you have sought the meaning of my words for your life and I have and will open my words to you.  You will know how to handle your children.  How to guide them with Godly wisdom and how to be the helpmate your husband needs.  You will be my instrument to help others know how to find

My Way in My Word!

The anger and the eating will be replaced by wisdom.  My thought, shall find a channel through your mind.  You will be able to do as I have promised-- "Whatever seems best under the circumstances because I will guide you."  I Samuel 10: 6 & 7

Learn to be silent until I have guided you.  Wait upon the Lord--and again, I say wait upon the Lord.  You will have even greater understanding of my word then you have had that you may be guided by and speak forth Godly Wisdom."

Since that spring day of 1980- when God laid out my path of obedience- I have traveled through a very human life as a wife for 56 years, 4 children's mom, and 11 grands, Nana.  My life has been very full of all the joys and pains that we all suffer as we make the journey of our life. Now, my journey continues as the way to share this personal, guiding, loving relationship with the God who made you and died to give you life forever.

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